Laser Therapy
Laser therapy works by emitting a infrared or visible red light within the tissue. The light is absorbed by the cells which makes them more "excited", which accelerates cell metabolism and in turn decreases pain and inflammation.
Conditions such as osteoarthritis, wound management, muscle trigger points and inflammation, tendon and ligament injuries as well as back and neck pain can benefit from the use of laser therapy
Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound therapy differs from the diagnostic ultrasound that provides an image on a screen. During therapeutic ultrasound sound waves are emitted in to the tissue at high frequencies which causes a thermal effect.
The vibration caused by the high frequency soundwaves stimulate the cells to speed up the metabolic process and re organises the muscle fibres in turn reducing friction and painful areas.
Ultrasound is used regularly to break down areas of thickening including scar tissue and to reduce swelling. It is also an electrotherapy often used to accelerate tendon and ligament injuries.
H Wave
H-Wave is a multi-functional electrical stimulation device intended to speed recovery, restore function, and manage chronic, acute or post-operative pain. It is a non-invasive drug-free alternative treatment option without harmful side effects. This unique technology stands apart from other electrotherapy modalities such as TENS, which only masks pain while the device is on, and traditional muscle stimulators; which use harsh signals and fatiguing muscle contractions to re-educate muscle. Whereas H-Wave is a rehabilitative device that focuses on addressing the root cause of symptoms and providing lasting, cumulative benefits; which patients can feel long after the device is taken off.
Issy has extensive knowledge and experience within equine rehabilitation and maitnenance physiotherapy specifically speciliasing in performance horses of all disciplines.
Some conditions that may benefit from physiotherapy are:
- Painful and sore backs
- Post op or conservative kissing spine rehab
- Fracture healing
- Muscle tears or pulls
- Tendon and ligament damage / tears
- Muscle Asymmetries
- Mechanical lameness
- Scar Tissue
- Stiffness
- Poor Range of Movement
- Splint healing
- Proximal Suspensory Desmitis (PSD)