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What is Physiotherapy?

Veterinary Physiotherapy is a range of non invasive treatments and techniques used within rehabilitation of animals after injury or surgery, as well as for maintenance and prevention of injury within the sporting dogs and elite sport horses.

Physiotherapy can help to improve mobility, increase performance and reduce pain within the musculoskeletal system. Veterinary Physiotherapists have to undergo extensive degree level training to be qualified to perform physiotherapy and be registered under a governing body.

Physiotherapy can include the use of both manual and electrotherapies to help maintain or increase performance and reduce the risk of injury. 


What happens during a  physiotherapy appointment?



History review - Issy will have some veterinary history from your vet, but she will discuss your animals history both veterinary, competition and general life to gain a more in depth overall picture before the other assessments.

Static Assessment - Looking at your animal as a whole whilst standing, observing posture and general condition

Dynamic Assessment - This involves seeing your animal move both in walk and trot (species dependent) as well as moving on a small circle in both directions and some steps backwards.


Palpation assessment - Issy will examine your animal from head to toe, feeling for any abnormalities within the musculature, range of movement and for any asymmetries. Nobody is perfect, so please don't be alarmed with any findings. Knowing your animals 'normal' can help identify any future issues.


After Issy has fully assessed your best friend, a treatment plan is formulated. This will be discussed with you throughout the appointment and any questions are greatly welcomed. This appointment isn't only about helping your animal, but for you to learn more about them too. 

Treatment can involve:

- Manual therapies such as soft tissue massage, myofascial release and stretches

- Ultrasound Therapy

- Laser Therapy

- Low Level Light Therapy

- Thermotherapy

- TENS and EMS 

See more about the Electrotherapies we use here

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Exercise Prescription

A large part of physiotherapy, is the hard work done at home between sessions. Strength improves by exercise, and rehabilitation is a slow process which requires dedication from the owner to carry out home exercise plans between sessions. Issy will provide written exercise homework plans and is available on the end of the phone for help and to answer any questions if you get stuck.

Videos of exercises prescribed will also be available for you to look back on our YouTube channel if you are struggling, as well as the opportunity to send videos via whatsapp to let Issy know how you are getting on.

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